Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Community service

Hi my name is carlos quinones & i recently did community service. I completed my hours at hamilton boys & girls club. I served 10 hours, i cleaned , helped with the kids ect. i would clean the floors of the kitchen when the kids would get done eating because they would make a mess. i also mopped the bathroom floors. some days i would whipe the tables down. i helped the kids with homework a couple times & would talk to them about how school was going for them , was it hard , were they being good ect. when i would get done cleaning i would sometimes play basketball with them , mostly all the boys would go to the gym after homework and play basketball. i sat in the office one time to answer the phone calls when the staff were busy handling a incident , nobody really would call tho , they call around the time the kids leave to check if they got picked up or if one of the kids forgot there stuff they would call & let someone know just incase someone throws it away.i never had to serve the lunch because a lady comes in and handles all that but i did have to throw away the trash after the kids are done eating. i like being able to help out with kids , especially being able to keep them out of trouble. we played one game called rainbow where you have to call out a color and if your wearing one of those colors you have to run across the gym but you cant get caught. i also cleaned the windows of the office cause the kids tend to always touch them when they walk by

Monday, January 11, 2016

Orwell, George.
 Animal Farm
New York: 
Published - Harcourt, Brace & Co.
Type of Media :   Print.
First published August 17th 1945

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others 

Key Ideas:  Government,  Communism, Revolution, Fascism, Marx, Hitler, WWII, Great Depression, WWI, 1945, Story, Allegory, 

Animal Revolution, Good Government, Human Nature, Liberty and Justice

----- Summary-----

  Animal Farm is an allegory Story about some Animals who revolt and take over the Farm. George Orwel,  the author, wrote this book to discuss government ideas  and the problems of  Communism and Facism. 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Us history testbook citation

Lapsansky-Werner, Emma, and Randy Roberts. United States History. Person Education, 2013. Print.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


the republicans are against helping obama with the gun laws. obama wants for if a person buys a gun he should be the only person to use it , like to unlock ya phone with your fingerprint

Citation is .... Where you find your research

Bibliography is .... A list of citation

They relate to a research paper i

Key Vocabulary - credible, bias, evidence

Another word for credible is......

Bias is.....

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

example citation

Quinones, Carlos. "Syracuse Police Investigate Homicide of Young Woman." Syracuse Police Investigate Homicide of Young Woman 5 Jan. 2016, Cny Crime sec.: 1. Web